Preventative Drain Maintenance: Pros and Cons

Preventative Drain Maintenance: Pros and Cons
Monday, March 4, 2024
drain care

Preventative Drain Maintenance: Pros and Cons

预防性排水维护可防止堵塞和相关问题,如溢流. 虽然你可能知道你不想让下水道溢出来, 判断预防性排水维护是否值得投资是一项挑战.

在State Chemical,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站开发、生产和销售防止排放问题的化学品. 当澳门威尼斯人赌城网站定期将这些化学物质放入客户的排水管时, we help that customer prevent most drain problems.

We recognize that like everything in life, 预防性排水管维修有利有弊. 本文将回顾澳门威尼斯人赌城网站从112年的经验中学到的优点和缺点.


Old buildings often contain cast iron pipes. 当铸铁管道堵塞时,这种堵塞会使管道恶化. 堵塞中的脂肪、油和润滑脂(“FOGs”)会使铸铁生锈. 管道锈蚀越多,管道结构越差. 在最坏的情况下,fog会在管道上锈出一个洞.

Thus, for buildings containing cast iron pipes, 预防性排水维护的一个主要优点是它可以防止管道生锈和恶化. 预防性排水维护可以防止堵塞,否则会对管道结构产生不利影响. 预防性排水维护将有助于保持铸铁管的完整性.

However, this pro does not apply to pipes made of PVC. PVC pipes are found in most new buildings. 而PVC管堵塞会导致其他问题, a PVC pipe will not deteriorate from a clog.

Diagram of a clogged drain. The diagram pictures a


主动排水维护可以防止大多数堵塞及其相关问题, such as overflows, malodors, and drain flies. 预防性排水维护将有助于避免最坏的情况. 例如,透析中心在病人的椅子和床旁边设有排水管. 透析治疗需要排水沟来排出体液和透析治疗中使用的透析液.

一个透析中心使用预防性下水道维护来避免下水道苍蝇. 然而,在改造后,他们觉得这种预防性的排水维护是不必要的. Their drains quickly clogged and attracted drain flies. 病人在治疗期间被排水沟里的苍蝇团团围住. 坐着接受透析治疗的病人每次来接受治疗时都要与下水道里的苍蝇作斗争. The nurses and patients were miserable.

他们清除了吸引下水道苍蝇的堵塞,然后又开始使用预防性下水道维护. 一旦他们开始定期的预防性维护,他们就再也没有遇到过下水道苍蝇的问题.


虽然预防性排水维护可以防止大多数堵塞,但它不能防止所有堵塞. There are certain items that, if put down the drain, will cause the drain to clog, even if you are using preventative maintenance. 例如,如果有人把一块抹布放进排水管,那块抹布会导致排水管堵塞. 这在老年人居住的社区中很常见,那里的人会把尿布和湿巾冲进厕所. 这些尿布和湿巾可能会造成堵塞,即使排水管正在处理.


Preventative drain maintenance involves an upfront cost. 你必须支付处理下水道所需的化学药品和设备的费用. This cost depends on various factors, such as the chemicals you use, the amount of chemicals required to treat your drain, and the number of drains you are treating.


预防性排水维护可以被认为是保险. Like insurance, 而你必须预先支付预防性排水维护费用, it often saves you money in the long term.

为了确定预防性下水道维修是否能省钱, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议将预防性维护的成本与使用活性排水管开启器清除堵塞的成本以及排水管出现问题时的成本进行比较.

For example, 在芝加哥的一个老年社区,没有使用预防性排水维护, someone threw pizza dough down the drain. 这个披萨面团堵塞了排水管道,堵塞了排水系统. The senior community had to call an emergency plumber. The plumber cost them $3,000. For that senior community, 预防性排水管维修本可以避免这个问题,并节省他们呼叫紧急水管工.

 说明预防性排水维护的优点和缺点的图片.  列举的优点是:防止铸铁管腐烂, prevents most clogs and overflows, and saves money long term. 缺点是:不能阻止所有的堵塞,并且需要前期成本.


预防性排水维护可以保持铸铁管道的完整性, prevent clogs and their associated issues, and save you money in the long term. On the other hand, 预防性排水维护涉及前期成本,不能防止所有堵塞.

Many individuals have concerns about using preventative drain maintenance. 如果你已经解决了这些问题,并决定使用主动排水护理,你的下一步是 选择适合你的预防性排水产品.