Concerns with Preventative Drain Cleaners (and Solutions)

Concerns with Preventative Drain Cleaners (and Solutions)
Monday, February 12, 2024
drain care

Concerns with Preventative Drain Cleaners (and Solutions)

预防性排水管清洁器可防止堵塞及其相关问题,如溢流. 虽然知道你不希望你的排水管溢出和喷出的污水整个地板是容易的, it can be difficult to know whether drain cleaners are worth the investment.

At State Chemical, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站为美国各地的客户提供工业排水维修服务, Canada, and Puerto Rico. When we approach a potential customer, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站反复听到关于预防性排水维护的三个问题. 潜在客户担心(1)预防性下水道清洁剂太贵, (2)他们将无法控制预防性排水维护的成本, and (3) that preventative drain maintenance cannot stop all clogs. 本文将介绍这些问题以及缓解它们的解决方案.


预防性下水道清洁剂是一种化学产品,可以防止堵塞及其相关问题. Adding a proactive drain cleaner can prevent clogs, drain flies and roaches, foul odors, and most concerning, overflows. 在溢水时,排水管堵塞导致污水从排水管泄漏到你的地板上.

Many preventative drain cleaners contain bacteria. 细菌会慢慢地消化从排水管流下的脂肪、油和油脂(fog). In other words, the bacteria eat FOGs. 通过消化FOGs,细菌可以防止它们形成阻塞排水管的团块.

使用预防性下水道清洁剂最有效的方法是使用分配泵. 泵缓慢地将化学产品滴入排水管,以便在任何时候排水管中都有一致的产品量. 另一种方法是一次性将大量化学物质倒入排水管中. While this will improve the smell of your drain in the short term, it will not have the long-term impact of preventing drain issues.

Concern: Preventative Drain Cleaners are Too Expensive

Solution: Compare to Cost of Reactive Drain Care

The number one concern of our potential customers is cost. 许多潜在客户担心预防性排水管维护费用过于昂贵. Adding a preventative drain cleaner to your drains involves an upfront cost. 添加排水维护器是无法回避的事实 adds expense each month.

However, most customers find that 反应性排水护理比预防性排水护理更昂贵. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站喜欢把预防性的排水管清洁看作是保险——而你要先付更多的钱, it saves you from significant expenses in the future.

To decide if preventative drain care is right for you, 将预防性排水管维护的成本与你已经面临和可能面临的被动排水管护理费用进行比较. 预防性排水管维护包括在问题发生之前向排水管添加化学溶液以防止问题发生, such as a clogged drain, in the future. 反应性排水护理是在问题发生后对其作出反应,例如溢流.

下水道堵塞最糟糕的情况是堵塞会溢出,导致污水泄漏到你的地板上. For example, if you have a sewage leak in a restaurant, 你必须关闭整个餐厅,直到堵塞物修好,污水清理干净. You cannot serve food while sewage is leaking onto your floor. 这将导致修复问题和清理溢出的巨大成本, along with the lost profits of having to shut down.


一加仑桶的国家化学品牌桶旁边是一个白色的矩形盒子.  To the right of the box, there is the bottom of a sink.  国家品牌的盒子是通过一个透明管连接到水槽.  管子慢慢地将产品从桶中分配到水槽排水管中.




Similar to the concern above, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的许多客户都担心,如果他们同意进行预防性排水管护理, they will not be able to control the costs of such care. 这个问题有两种解决方案:(1)在预算范围内选择产品;(2)签订排水管维修合同.

First, you should pick a product that works for your budget. 大多数排水护理提供者有多种产品供您选择. These products come at a variety of price points. 您可以与您的排水管维修供应商合作,选择最适合您预算的产品.

Second, you should enter into a drain maintenance contract. 在排水管维修合同中,供应商同意提供定期的排水管维修. While drain maintenance contracts have pros and cons, one significant benefit is that your price is locked in. 合同通常限制供应商提高价格的能力,这意味着 you know in advance how much you will pay each month.

Concern: Preventative Drain Cleaning Cannot Stop All Clogs


Adding a preventative drain maintenance solution can prevent most, but not all, drain issues. 主动排水管清洁将防止大多数堵塞和溢出从正常使用, but it will not stop certain items from clogging your drain. For example, if an individual puts a rag down the drain, that rag will still cause a blockage, even if you are using preventative drain maintenance.

We also see a lot of blockages in nursing homes. 养老院的居民会把尿布和湿巾扔进下水道, which can cause a clog, even if you are using preventative drain maintenance.

To solve this issue, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议对你的员工和访客进行培训,让他们知道什么能被丢弃,什么不能被丢弃. 对于您的员工,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议举办一个培训课程,教他们如何正确处理各种物品. For visitors, 你可以在浴室和厨房里挂些牌子,告诉他们什么东西该扔,什么不该扔.

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Summary: Preventative Drain Cleaner Concerns Can Be Alleviated

Like most of our potential customers, 您可能担心预防性排水维护的费用和有效性. 通过比较预防性排水维护的成本与反应性排水护理的成本,可以减轻这些担忧, picking a product within your budget, entering into a drain maintenance contract, 对你的员工和来访者进行培训,让他们知道什么可以丢弃,什么不能丢弃.

现在你已经看到了客户对下水道清洁器的三大担忧的解决方案, let’s take a deeper dive into the specifics and learn about the pros and cons of these drain cleaners as they pertain to grease traps.