How to Choose A Preventative Drain Cleaner: 5 Factors to Consider

How to Choose A Preventative Drain Cleaner: 5 Factors to Consider

How to Choose A Preventative Drain Cleaner: 5 Factors to Consider

No one wants sewage spewing from their clogged drains and onto their floor. No one wants their drains to smell or be filled with flies and roaches. 总而言之,没有人想要排水问题. 然而, most of us aren’t sure how to prevent those problems.

One option to prevent drain issues is to use a drain maintenance chemical.These chemicals prevent clogs from forming and thus prevent the overflows, 气味, 还有澳门威尼斯人赌城网站都害怕的昆虫.

许多不同类型的下水道维护化学品 知道该用哪一种是很有挑战性的. At State Chemical, we sell multiple drain maintainers containing various active ingredients. Every day, we help our clients choose between the different options available. This article outlines the factors our clients consider when deciding between different products.

Our clients rely on five factors to determine which preventative drain maintenance chemical to use:

    • Whether the product can clear the item going down the drain,
    • The length of time it takes for the product to be effective,
    • 产品是否环保,
    • 他们的城市是否允许他们使用乳化剂,以及
    • 产品的价格.

Factor One: Determine Which Preventative Drain Cleaner to Use by Whether the Product can Clear the Item going Down Your Drain

许多不同的物品被放入下水道,导致堵塞. These items include fats, 油, 油脂, sugars, diapers, wipes, and more. Most preventative drain maintenance products work to clear some items that have been put down the drain, 但是不要处理其他被扔进下水道的项目. 因此, which product you should use depends on what waste goes down your drain.

例如, a hospital struggled with mop strings going down the drain in their operating rooms. When they cleaned the operating room, more mop strings would go down the floor drain. This led to “a stress ball of mop head strings” in their pipes. 然后管道就会堵塞, 手术室地板上到处都是污水.

The hospital first used a drain opener to clear the clog that had already formed. It then used preventative maintenance to prevent future mop head clogs. 因为他们知道什么东西会流入下水道, they chose a strong product to break down the fibers contained in the mop strings. Some products work better with kitchen waste (including fats, 油, 油脂, 和糖), 但对纤维的效果不太好. 通过了解排水管问题的原因, 他们可以选择专门的产品来解决这个问题.

Factor Two: Determine Which Preventative Drain Cleaner to Use Based on the time it takes to be Effective

Different preventative drain cleaning chemicals take different amounts of time to work. Some drain cleaners work overnight, while others require weeks or months to take effect. 因此, which product to use depends on how long you can wait for results.

例如, the hospital with the mop string problem mentioned above could not wait for results in their operating room. 每次他们的手术室都溢流, they had to clean it before they could resume using the operating room. 他们, 因此, needed a solution that worked quickly and chose a product that could clear the mop strings overnight. 封闭的手术室是不可能的.

然而, that same hospital chose a product that needed additional ramp-up time for their kitchen drains. 他们 could afford to be more patient in clearing a kitchen drain, 所以他们选择了一种需要更长的时间才能生效的产品. 他们 could focus on another one of their priorities –using environmentally friendly products. 基于他们的耐心程度, 他们选择使用一种有更长的加速时间的产品, 但对环境很友好, 哪个是第三个因素.

图片上是一个带把手的白色瓶子.  瓶子上有个标签写着

Factor Three: Determine Whether You Would Like an Environmentally Friendly Drain Cleaner

Many chemical drain providers offer environmentally friendly drain cleaners. An organization called Underwriters Laboratories (“UL Solutions”) provides an UL EcoLogo® certification for drain maintainers that have a reduced environmental impact and meet sustainability standards. 如果关心环境是你的首要任务之一, 您可以选择具有UL EcoLogo®认证的产品. This is exactly what the hospital mentioned above did for the product going down their kitchen drain.


Some (but not all) preventative drain cleaners contain emulsifiers. 一些城市不允许居民使用乳化剂. An emulsifier works by liquifying fats, 油, and 油脂 in a drain. 然而, 脂肪的液化只是暂时的, 油, 油脂会在城市下水道系统中重新凝固, 导致城市下水道堵塞. To prevent these clogs, some cities prohibit residents from using emulsifiers.

以确定当地政府是否允许使用乳化剂, 联系你所在城市的公共事业部门.


A significant factor in making a buying decision is always price. Different drain maintenance chemicals are offered at various price points. Therefore, which product you should choose depends on the amount of room in your budget.

Pictogram of the factors to consider in choosing a preventative drain cleaner.  The 5 listed factors are: (1) whether the product can clear the item going down the drain, (2) the length of time it takes for the product to be effective, (3)产品是否环保, (4)您所在城市是否允许使用乳化剂, (5)产品的价格.


最适合您的产品取决于您的个人需求. Like the hospital mentioned above, you may even have different needs for different drains. 选择一种预防性的下水道清洁剂, 想想你的下水道里有什么, 产品生效所需的时间, 多么环保的产品啊, 你的城市是否允许使用乳化剂, 以及产品的价格.

Once you determine which factors are important to you in a preventative drain cleaning product, your next step is to determine which company you want to buy from. Just as in choosing a product, there are many factors to consider in 选择一个排水管清洁和维修公司.