


如果你有木屐, you may be experiencing the inconvenience of a slow drain or the bigger problem of drain flies and odors. If you leave the clog untreated, it can overflow and spew sewage all over your floor. For these reasons, if you have a clogged drain, you likely know that you want to treat it.

A drain opener is a chemical product that you can use to unclog a fully clogged drain. Drain openers are often made of sulfuric acid or 氢氧化钠. A drain maintainer is a chemical product that you can use if you have a partial clog, 导致血液缓慢流失. Drain maintainers are often made of 橙油 或细菌. 适用于排水管开启器和排水管维护器, you pour the chemical down the drain and it breaks up the clog.

在State Chemical, we sell drain openers to companies across the United States, 加拿大, 和波多黎各. 当澳门威尼斯人赌城网站向潜在客户展示排水管开启器时, we hear many questions regarding the use of the product. 这些问题包括:

    • 堵塞的改革会在以后的排水沟里进行吗?
    • Does the government prohibit me from using certain types of drain openers?
    • 开水管器会损坏我的管道吗?
    • 开水管器会不会烫伤我的皮肤?

This article explains these concerns and presents solutions for how to mitigate them.

下水道堵塞的象形图. 排水管是



有些开水管器含有乳化剂. 乳化剂的作用是使f制成的液体液化油、油和润滑脂(FOGs). 然而, this liquification is only temporary – it is possible for the clog to re-solidify later down the drain line. A clog made up of FOGs is similar to solidified bacon grease. The emulsifier turns the bacon grease back into liquid form so that it can slide down the drain. 然而, like bacon grease left in a pan, the clog made of FOGs can resolidify.

If you are concerned about clogs forming later in your drain line, 你可以使用不含乳化剂的产品. There are many products available for which you do not have to worry about re-solidification. 产品由硫酸制成, 氢氧化钠, 或细菌 will clear a clog without the risk that the clog will resolidify later in the drain line.

Concern: The Government Will Not Let Me Use Certain Types of Drain Openers.

Solution: Check Your Local Regulations and Use a Non-Emulsifying Product.

Some governments limit the use of emulsifiers, especially in grease traps. As discussed above, clogs made of FOGs that are cleared by an emulsifier can resolidify. The government is concerned that if you use an emulsifier to clear a clog in your drain, 那个堵塞会在城市下水道系统中重新凝固. For this reason, some government limit the use of emulsifiers, especially in grease traps.

了解你所在的城市是否对乳化剂有规定, check the website of your local sewer provider or give them a call. If you cannot legally use an emulsifier or are not certain of your local regulations, 你可以选择用硫酸做的开水管器, 氢氧化钠, 或细菌.

 两段铸铁管. 管子的两端都锈坏了.


Solution: For Cast Iron Pipes, Use a Non-Acid Product. 对于PVC管,这不是一个问题.

You only have to worry about drain openers deteriorating pipes if your pipes are made of cast iron. 如果你按照指示用了下水道开启器, a drain opener will not have a negative impact on PVC pipes. 然而, an acid-based product can deteriorate an already rusty cast iron pipe. 因此, if you have cast iron pipes, we recommend a non-acid based product. 氢氧化钠, 橙油, and bacterial based products will not impact a cast iron pipe if used as directed.

Concern: The Drain Opener Will Burn My Skin When I Use It.


We recommend that you wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when using any drain opener. Personal protective equipment will protect your skin and eyes from being harmed if a drain opener splashes back on you.

Both acid and non-acid drain openers can cause burns if they get on your skin, but the burns from acid-based products are more severe than those of non-acid drain openers. If an acid-based product splashes back on you while you are pouring it down the drain, 它会导致严重的烧伤. 因此, if you aren’t certain how to use PPE or are concerned about severe burns, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议使用非酸性产品. 氢氧化钠, 橙油, and bacterial based products have less of a risk of severe harm than a product made of acid.

Diagram of concerns, the reasons for those concerns, and the solution to those concerns.  第一个问题是


Depending on your concerns, a different drain opener will be best for you. If you are concerned about clogs re-solidifying or your local regulations, choose a non-emulsifier. If you are concerned about drain openers deteriorating cast iron pipes or severe burns from the product splashing back on you, 使用非酸. 产品 made of bacteria or 氢氧化钠 are solutions to all concerns mentioned above.

The best way to treat clogs, however, is to avoid clogs in the first place. 预防性维护可以帮助您避免堵塞. 预防性维护有利有弊 - one benefit is that it can help reduce clogs and avoid the need to use drain openers.