
Monday, May 13, 2024
drain care


你想要尽可能地处理好你的设施的排水. But how do you best take care of your drain? Should you use preventative maintenance? Is it really needed? Should you just snake your drain more frequently? Use drain openers for clogs?

国家化工几十年来一直在销售工业排水管开启器和工业排水管维修器. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站已经亲眼看到,有很多关于如何最好地照顾你的排水管的问题, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道如果你在考虑预防性维护, 你可能想知道如果你选择退出会发生什么.

To best address these questions, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站花时间解释了没有完成对你们工厂排水管的定期预防性维护的真正后果. After reading, 你会了解被忽视的下水道是如何受到影响的,以及如何最好地照顾它们.


As a representative for your facility, 你有权利做出任何对你最有利的决定. 但如果你不保持排水,会发生什么呢?

Slow Drains

排水问题的第一个迹象通常是缓慢的排水. When you run water, it might take several minutes to drain, 一旦耗尽就发出令人不安的咯咯声. 这可能会让任何任务变得更加令人沮丧——想想周五晚上晚餐高峰时水槽里闲置的脏水吧.

So, why does this happen? Well, when you actively use a drain, 从功能上讲,不可能阻止除了水之外的物质流入下水道. Some of these substances are fats, oils, and greases (FOGs), food scraps, soap scum, hair, natural oils, and more. And when these items go down the drain, they 容易凝结并附着在管道中的其他物品上. 随着时间的推移,这将开始限制可用的管道空间,水将需要更长的时间才能排出. To solve this issue, 你必须使用排水管开启器或开始使用排水管维护器来清除积聚物.

Meanwhile, 如果您使用预防性排水维护从跳, buildup is broken up before it can form, allowing particles to easily pass into the sewer lines.

Drain Clogs

排水管堵塞与排水管缓慢非常相似,只是更严重. 当水以外的物质进入下水道时,它们会凝结. Sometimes, this can get so bad that the pipe becomes fully blocked. 其他时候,异物可能会被已经形成的堆积物卡住,导致堵塞.

Think about the soap going down your drain. 一段时间后,浮渣和残渣会粘在你的管子上. 如果头发现在流入下水道,它就会被肥皂凝固. Over time, this will fully block your drain.

However, 如果你能在它开始产生问题之前把它分解掉, 你可以从一开始就防止这些堵塞. 然后,你就不必手忙脚乱地去找开水管器或打电话给水管工了.


Another outcome of FOG buildup is odors. Just as food would rot in a trash can, food will rot after it goes down your drain, and it’s something you’ll be able to smell.

通过预防性维护来抵消雾的积聚,气味应该不是问题. However, without it, you will experience foul odors, 哪些会让客户感到厌烦,哪些会让你的员工感到头疼.

Drain Flies

有没有注意到你的厨房里有很多小蚊蚋? 这些可能不是蚊蚋,而是下水道苍蝇,它们在下水道积聚的雾中生活和繁殖.

如果你不处理你的排水管,这种积累会增长,你就有患排水管苍蝇问题的风险. 然后,无论如何,你都需要投资于排水维护器 eliminate their habitats and deter them from your drain.

的确,处理下水道苍蝇问题的方法和预防苍蝇问题的方法是一样的. So, 可能很容易等到看到问题的证据, but if you can avoid it altogether, you won’t have to worry about health code violations 或者是随后赶着把这些害虫赶出你的设施.

Pipe Deterioration

What might cause pipe deterioration, you ask? If you guessed FOG buildup, you’re right.

如果您从未对您的设施进行预防性排水维护, FOGs will build in your pipes over the years. Your pipes may have initially been four inches wide, but with FOG buildup, 自由空间可以不断缩小,缩小到几厘米, not unlike what happens with a clogged artery.

现在,想象一下,多年来,所有这些积累都被推到了你的一个更深的管道里. 这条管道正好在你们工厂停车场的正下方, 它凝结的食物残渣和油脂有五英尺长. 水将不再从管道的另一端流出——你有一个完全堵塞.

At this point, 排水管蛇够不到问题,化学排水管开关也烧不透5英尺厚的堆积物. 为了让水管工能够到达水管并把它清理干净,你必须把你的停车场弄得一团糟.

This would be bad enough as is, 但是在你的管道里堆积了这么多年的垃圾之后, it’s possible that it might have led to pipe rot. 要解决这个问题,你需要更换受影响的管道,这意味着更多的财产破坏. If you don’t treat it, 你的水会继续渗入地下,而不是正确地排干. This can and does eventually lead the ground to cave in.

Preventative maintenance may seem like a small thing. It’s probably not something that you even think about. But when it comes to drain care, 您只有两种选择:预防性维护或反应性维护. 随着时间的推移,不注意排水管可能会产生破坏性的后果.


你想要在没有任何额外麻烦的情况下尽可能地照顾好你的排水管. 现在,你明白了选择不进行预防性维护的后果. Your next step is to 探讨下水道维修合同中常见问题的解决方案.