State Chemical v 首页 Depot: Comparing 工业 Drain Openers

State Chemical v 首页 Depot: Comparing 工业 Drain Openers

State Chemical v 首页 Depot: Comparing 工业 Drain Openers

没有什么比下水道堵塞更糟糕的了. Clogged drains can quickly become disastrous by overflowing and spewing sewage all over the floor. 下水道堵塞也会导致天文数字的账单. 例如, a country club in Alabama had to dig out a clogged pipe to fix the clog and the ensuing damage caused to their pipes. 这次修理花了他们几千美元.

在State Chemical, 一家有着113年历史的公司, we manufacture and distribute a variety of products to unclog your drain, 称为排水管开启器. Our drain openers include acidic drain openers and alkaline drain openers. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站向许多行业销售排水管开启器, 包括公寓和共管公寓社区, 学校, 和医院. 然而,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站只销售企业对企业(B2B). 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站不销售企业对消费者(B2C).

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站与潜在客户交谈时, many of them state that they normally buy their drain openers from big box stores, 比如家得宝和劳氏. Many of them are faced with the decision whether to continue buying from 首页 Depot or Lowe’s or start buying from State Chemical. 为了解决这个难题,本文将进行比较 the pros of buying from State Chemical to the pros of going to 首页 Depot or Lowe’s.

一瓶State Chemical的产品急停.  The bottle is blue with a white cap and has a label on it that says

State Chemical Ships 工业 Grade 产品 to You and Provides Expertise.


The most prominent feature that State Chemical offers that you cannot find at 首页 Depot or Lowe’s is subject matter expertise. If you work with State Chemical, a representative will service your facility. 这个人会看你的排水管, 识别问题, 并建议最好的产品来解决这个问题. This is important because different active ingredients work on different types of clogs.

例如, 如果下水道被尿布或湿巾堵住了, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站可以推荐一种酸性产品,比如 急停. We know that drain openers, such as alkaline drain openers, do not work as well on paper and cotton. 通过检查您的排水,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站可以为您提供最佳解决方案.

State Chemical will also train you in the best methods for using each product. Different products must be applied differently and drain openers require you to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). If you buy a drain opener from State Chemical, we will show you how to wear the correct PPE. 因此, State Chemical is better for you than 首页 Depot or Lowe’s if you are looking for service and expertise along with the product.


A State Chemical representative will help you decide which products you will need in the future and how many of those products you need. This will enable you to plan for the future and have the products you need on hand, 当你需要的时候.

State Chemical Develops and Manufactures 工业 Grade 产品.

State Chemical develops and manufactures our own products in the United States. We only sell business-to-business (B2B) and do not sell business-to-consumer (B2C). 因此,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站可以 sell stronger products than those found at 首页 Depot or Lowe’s. 例如, 急停使用的是更浓缩的, more pure form of sulfuric acid than similar products found at 首页 Depot or Lowe’s. State Chemical is thus best for you if you want a strong product.

State Chemical的产品每次使用往往更便宜.

While State Chemical’s bottles tend to be more expensive than those found at 首页 Depot or Lowe’s, 每次使用的成本往往更经济. Our products are more concentrated than those found in a consumer store, 所以每次使用所需的产品更少. This means the products tend to be 每次使用更便宜 than those found in the store. Thus, State Chemical is right for you if you want a more economical cost per use.

State Chemical将产品运送给您.

Unlike going into a store, State Chemical will ship our products directly to you. This saves you time compared to driving to 首页 Depot or Lowe’s. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站95%的订单在24小时内发货. State Chemical is best for you if you are looking for products to be shipped to you quickly.

首页 Depot and Lowe’s Offer Bottles at Cheaper Prices You Can Buy Immediately.

首页 Depot and Lowe’s Drain Opener Bottles tend to be More Economical than Bottles from State Chemical.

如上所述, State Chemical’s products tend to be more concentrated and thus 每次使用更便宜 than those found at a big box store. 然而, the price of the bottle at 首页 Depot or Lowe’s tends to be less than that of a similar bottle from State Chemical. 如果你正在寻找一个更经济的瓶子, 那么家得宝或劳氏可能是你的正确选择.


A benefit of 首页 Depot or Lowe’s is that you can run to the store and buy the product immediately. 在State Chemical, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站需要把产品寄给你, 所以澳门威尼斯人赌城网站不能在你订购的当天提供产品. 因此, 首页 Depot or Lowe’s is better for you if you need a solution that day.

A diagram depicting a list of items for State Chemical versus a list of items for 首页 Depot. The list of items for State Chemical are: subject matter expertise, 库存管理, 工业级产品, 每次使用更便宜, 和你的船. The list of items for 首页 Depot are: cheaper per bottle and same day pick up.

妙语:州政府提供相关专业知识, 强大的产品, 每次使用成本更低, 和运输, While 首页 Depot and Lowe’s Provides More Economical Bottles and Same Day Pick-Up.

总之, State Chemical is the best choice for you if you want subject matter expertise, 库存管理, 强大的产品, 每次使用的成本更低, 和运输. 首页 Depot and Lowe’s are best for you if you want more economical bottles and same day pick-up.

If you want subject matter expertise of 强大的产品 that are shipped to you at an economical cost per use, contact State Chemical and one of our representatives will reach out.