One Solution™ - 1产品分配器

项目# 125001

One Solution™ - 1产品分配器

项目# 125001
  • 关闭d-loop dispensing and safe packaging eliminates user contact with chemical concentrates
  • Highly-concentrated three-liter containers are compact for storage, easy-to-lift and reduce shipping 浪费
  • One-step cleaning reduces labor costs and increases efficiency


  • One Solution™ is a highly engineered closed loop system for dispensing concentrated products at the right dilutions with no employee exposure to concentrated products. Use this single button system to dispense one concentrated product.

  • Highly-concentrated formulations in three liter containers are compact for storage, 易于提升, 减少运输和浪费.
  • Premium cleaning/sanitizing products with one-step cleaning action reduces labor costs and increases cleaning efficiency.
  • 关闭d loop dispensing and safe packaging eliminates user contact with chemicals and increases employee safety.
  • 第三方, green certified products provide maximum cost effectiveness and cleaning performance which saves money and helps your facility go green.

    Choose from a complete line of 安全的选择, Green Seal and EcoLogo certified products to fulfill all the green cleaning needs in any facility. 无论大小, 清洗操作, 或者看守人员, the One Solution system has the equipment and products to maximize cost effectiveness and cleaning efficiency.
  • 地板和地毯清洁剂
  • General purpose cleaners and degreasers
  • 锅 & 潘洗涤剂
  • 浴室和碗清洗机
  • 消毒剂和杀菌剂
  • 液体防臭剂
  • 车 & 卡车洗


1. Find suitable place close to water source for unit. Mounting bracket should be installed approx. 离地面5英尺. 调平支架并标记孔. Drill 9/32” holes and install mounting anchors and screws in bracket. 2. Remove cabinet cover and hang cabinet on bracket. 标记下机柜螺钉孔. Remove cabinet and drill 9/32” hole. Install anchor and screw in lower cabinet hole. When mounting unit, do not mount more than 5 feet from the floor. Also, never mount your concentrate container higher than the unit. Keyhole slots are also provided in the cabinet back if the mounting bracket won’t be used. 3. Select a metering tip (see next section), and insert into hose barb on eductor body. (对所有的教育工作者重复上述步骤.) 4. Supply tube should reach from hose barb on eductor to bottom of the concentrate container. Cut supply tube provided to length required. Slide a ceramic weight over one end of tube and slide a foot valve into the same end of the tube. (为每个导管准备一根导管.) 5. Push other end of supply tube over the hose barb/metering tip on the eductor. (对所有的教育工作者重复上述步骤.) 6. Place foot valve ends of supply tubes into concentrate containers. REMEMBER TO CHECK FOOT VALVE STRAINERS REGULARLY FOR CLOGGING: CLEAN IF NECESSARY. 7. A short discharge tube is used with the 1GPM eductor; minimum tube length is 8 inches (20cm) for proper operation.
Longer tubes (4 feet) are used with a 3.5 . GPM教育. Slide end of tube over eductor discharge outlet. (对所有的教育工作者重复上述步骤.) Hooks may be installed on longer tubes to allow discharge tube to conveniently hang from dispenser when not in use. 8. 更换机柜盖. Guide supply tubes through slots in sides of cabinet cover. Push the sides in, behind the latch holes, to snap the
盖好. The two screws provided may be installed in the holes in the cabinet sides to prevent easy removal of cover. 9. Connect water supply hose of at least 3/8” ID to water inlet swivel. (Minimum 25 PSI pressure, with water running, is required for proper operation.) Connect opposite end of hose to water supply. 打开供水系统. 10. Purge air from the system by depressing the buttons briefly. There may be some water discharge from the eductor 通风口 until the air is purged. 11. Push button to start flow of desired water/concentrate solution, and hold until supply tube is primed (filled). Then push the button whenever dispensing is desired, and release button to stop flow of solution. If you wish to be able to lock the button in the “on” position: Depress button and slide
按钮锁定. To unlock, depress button and release. 12. It is essential that the discharge hose not be obstructed. If discharge is restricted, water will flow out the eductor
通风口. Do not start to operate the dispenser with liquid in the discharge tube.

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