


预防性下水道维护真的值得吗? 你可能会认为这是不必要的, 如果你的排水管堵塞了,你可以把它弄成蛇. 确定, 有一个闪亮的新产品作为你管道的保险是很好的, 但你可能更担心的是如何保持在预算之内.

在State Chemical, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站卖下水道维修器已经有几十年了, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站每天都能听到这样的担忧. 做生意的每件事似乎都是额外的开支, 如果你不需要购买的话, 完全避免它可能很诱人.

事实是 you have two options for your drains: preventative or reactive maintenance. You may be saving money to avoid purchasing preventative drain maintenance now, 但在这篇文章中, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站将支付没有进行预防性维护的费用. This way, you’ll be prepared for what could happen if you don’t maintain your drains.


So, 如果你目前没有使用化学排水维护器, 你可能想知道预防性维护是什么样子的. 通常,化学排水维护器连接到 供水泵的运行频率高达24/7. While running, it releases a certain amount of product into the drain and 在有机物形成积聚之前分解它们.

如果你不使用排水维护器,也有 你的排水管可能会面临很多不同的问题:


首先, 累积的 脂肪、油和润滑脂 is a near inevitability for your pipes when you don’t use drain maintainers. It’s not feasible to stop all possible organics from going down your drain, and when they do, they 在管道的弯弯曲曲处凝结. This can look like your classic bacon grease or even unexpected things, like soup and dairy.

如果你根本不使用排水维护器, 没有什么能阻止这种堆积形成, 哪些会在你的设施中造成严重的问题. 大多数情况下,雾积聚看起来像缓慢的排水或堵塞. A four-inch-wide pipe could be minimized to two inches of available space once gunk congeals on the sides, 类似于动脉阻塞. When you’re working with half the amount of space, you’ll experience much slower water drainage.

然而, FOG buildup and foreign objects going down the drains can cause other issues as well.


雾排水也会导致恶臭,并可能导致苍蝇. Think about all the grease and foods going down your drain—or all the waste and soap scum. Eventually, those things start to smell, just as they would in your trash can. When they get stuck in your drain, the same thing happens, and that isn’t great for business.

It’s even worse for business when odors are accompanied by the presence of drain flies, which are also interested in all the organics they can feed on in your drain. Drain flies will burrow into FOG buildup and use it as both a habitat and as a food source. 一旦到了那里,下水道就会飞起来 繁殖并继续入侵你的设施. 这对你和你的顾客来说都是一种糟糕的情况, 这样就能越快地消灭它们的栖息地, 更好的.


也源于雾的积聚或异物的排出, 备份和溢出是您的设备非常头疼的问题.

Backups—when wastewater comes back up the drain—are an indication that you have a drain clog. When harmful items are accidentally drained, these FOGs or other materials build into clogs. 不及时治疗, this will eventually cause backups that make your drains unusable until you complete emergency maintenance.

同样的, when your drains overflow just from running water, that’s a sign of a blockage in the pipes 这需要尽快治疗.


如果你的雾积聚得足够严重,你的管道最终可能会腐烂. 这需要几年的时间才能实现, 但如果你的地板下面排了很长的队, 例如, and it has spent years getting gummed up with food scraps and grease and gunk, 管子会腐烂的。. This means that no water will pass through the pipe and that it will instead leak into the foundation. 管道泄漏也会对周边地区造成附带损害.


So, there are an array of issues you could face if you don’t use preventative maintenance. 但这足以保证下水道维修人员的成本吗? 以下是解决这些问题的价格:


If you’re dealing with a slow drain, you’re likely experiencing buildup or a low level of blockage. 在这些情况下,排水维护人员有时可以解决您的问题,但是 you’ll likely need a drain opener to fully clear the blockage before it worsens.

如果你使用的是家用产品,成本可能低至10美元以下. 然而, 为您的企业提供工业强度的产品, 一瓶开水管器的价格从20美元到70美元不等.

Imagine how this cost will add up if you consistently turn to drain openers every time your drain gets slow. 即使你一个月用一次,一年也要花240- 960美元.


对于下水道堵塞,你只需要支付类似的费用, you won’t have the option of milder household products to resolve the issue.

If you don’t use preventative maintenance and instead rely on drain openers to clear out your drains when an issue appears, 你将看到一瓶20- 70美元. 如果这种情况持续发生,你最好买一箱, 12个排水管开启器的价格可能高达600美元.


If drain openers and snaking don’t work for you, it’s time to call a plumber, 这个时候东西真的会变得很贵.

When drain openers do not clear your clog, you’re dealing with a severe situation, such as 厚, 长木屐太大,不能用化学药品分解, 异物引起的严重堵塞, 或者更极端的情况,比如管道腐烂.

These are cases when a plumber will have to drill into the pipe to manually remove the clog or even replace the piping altogether. 商业水管工的收费通常在每小时50美元到120美元之间 取决于地点和其他因素. 仅三个小时的工作就可能花费高达360美元, but that’s without considering the materials the plumber will need to use.

If you reline your pipes with epoxy, the materials will cost $50-$250 per linear foot of piping. 单个管道通常有20英尺长, 但是长度是不同的, 你可能需要替换不止一个部分. Let’s say you just need to replace 14 feet of piping: that’s already an extra $700-$3,500.

如果你需要完全更换你的管道,材料本身将花费0美元.管道每线性英尺50- 20美元.澳门威尼斯人赌城网站再次想象一下,你只需要更换14英尺长的管道. The materials for the piping itself will cost $7-$280, but you'll also need to pay labor costs. 然后, 你可能需要支付许可费和城市检查费, 每一个都在100- 500美元之间. This means that you could be spending over $1,000 before labor costs even come into play. 价格也将根据地区而上涨, 管深度, 到达管道的障碍, 同时需要景观修复, 停机时间的成本.

你可以看到这些加起来有多快, 特别是取决于管道有多少受到了影响. 这些结果可能看起来很激烈, 但是如果你一直避免保养, 这可能就是你的机构正在寻找的东西.


Odors and drain flies are the least destructive issues to leave untreated——尽管它们也需要你去解决.

With odors, you can start preventative maintenance at any point to resolve the issue, 意思是如果你用排水管维护器来消除气味, 您可以继续使用它,以防止任何其他问题, 如雾积.

The price of this maintenance varies depending on which product you use and how much of it you use per month, 根据您的具体需求,哪些会有所不同.

工业排水维护设备的价格一般从$0.20-$1.每盎司10美元. 所以,例如,如果你的饲料泵分配总共20盎司. 每天的产品,你可能花费$120-$660一个月.

然而, 产品和剂量之间的价格差别很大. 所以,如果你只用20盎司. of a drain maintainer each month, you’ll only be looking at $4-$22 per month.

Meanwhile, drain flies will continue to populate in your drains if they are left untreated. Drain fly treatment is generally less frequently needed, so you might only use 16 oz. 比如,一个月的排水管维修. 在这种情况下, 治疗费用约为3美元.20-$17.每月60英镑, 但如果你等待更长时间来治疗这个问题, 你可能需要使用更多的产品来消除下水道苍蝇的栖息地 阻止他们靠近你的下水道.

Summary: The Cost of Reactive Maintenance is Usually Significantly Higher in the Long Run

Making additional expenses for your facility is hard; you don’t want to be throwing money at anything unnecessary. But preventative drain maintenance is like changing the oil in your car: if you do it regularly, you’ll save yourself the eventual much larger pain and expense of fixing a broken-down item.

Now that you understand the cost of avoiding preventative maintenance, you’re ready to explore the 下水道维修合同的利弊.