How to Eliminate Odors and Insects in Your Trash Room

How to Eliminate Odors and Insects in Your Trash Room
Friday, July 31, 2020

How to Eliminate Odors and Insects in Your Trash Room

A foul-smelling trash room can damage the reputation of your facility, even if it is behind closed doors. Whether you’re managing an apartment complex, 一个酒店, a hospital or office building, lingering odors can add to a negative impression of a location. That’s why it’s important to understand how these odors accumulate within your trash room and chutes and how to put a stop to them before so you can meet your cleanliness and safety standards.


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Everything will inevitably decompose. 例如, U.S. National Park 服务 estimates a plastic water bottle will take around 450 years to decompose, whereas an apple core will break down in about two weeks.

As organic materials break down, chemicals are released that cause pungent malodors. Rotten foods and the malodors they cause can also attract pests like flies, gnats and mosquitoes, creating a potentially hazardous space.

These problems can grow exponentially overtime when untreated, especially if your facility has a trash chute. When occupants discard their trash, bags may break causing spillage of waste and vegetation to line your trash chutes. Only by routinely cleaning your trash chutes can you eliminate lingering malodors and wandering pests to keep these issues from traveling floor to floor.

It’s important to care for trash room areas, even if they aren’t regularly seen by the public. Well-kept trash chutes, 压实工具, dumpsters and drains enable staff members to work efficiently and safely. By taking preventative measures in a trash room, you are less likely to deal with odor accumulation, pest infestation and will preserve expensive equipment commonly found in trash rooms.



While a seemingly daunting task, it is possible to control trash room malodors. No trash room is the same, so the solution should fit a facility’s unique needs.

Avoid simply masking malodors. Get rid of bad smells at the source with odor elimination technology, like State’s patented SE-500®, an ingredient that bonds with molecules in the air to eradicate malodors, rather than simply covering them up.

Take preventative action against pests. Pesky insects pose a risk of spreading out into common areas, so solutions should not only any present eliminate insects, but prevent the space from becoming their breeding ground once again. State has fast-acting powders and aerosols solutions that will quickly treat an area and give you peace of mind about pests.


免责声明: Programs in Canada include insect components.



This is where 国家工业 产品 steps in. Our Trash Room Program is designed to eliminate malodors, control insects and clean and deodorize trash chutes and trash rooms of any size. Our hassle-free programs and bundling options enable you to build a program that can fit any trash room’s needs and keep it smelling fresh and free of pests.

Be sure to ask about our new State® Trash Chute and Dumpster Cleaner, which features our pleasant Morning Fresh fragrance and Citronella. This product also offers a special foaming attachment on top of the container that can be attached to a hose to for quick and effective cleaning of any trash area. 


To learn more, fill out our 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站 form.

或者,叫 833-699-7864 to be put in touch with your local representative.