


当你听到“细菌”这个词时,” your mind probably immediately jumps to words like “bad” or “unhygienic.“但说到下水道维修人员, bacteria can actually be a good thing—and they won’t cause harm to your facility.

At State Chemical, we sell several bacterial drain maintainers, including 生态排水管道维护器, bd - 150 x行Bac或. We understand that it can be tough to find the right drain maintainer for you, 而且很难知道它是否真的有效.

We’ve taken the time to explain how bacteria work in biological drain maintainers so that you don’t have to worry about whether they will be effective in your facility. 读完这篇文章后, you’ll understand how different kinds of bacteria maintain drains and will be prepared to decide whether they’ll be a good fit for your drain.


下水道维护器中使用的所有细菌都是非致病性的, 这意味着它们不会对你的健康构成威胁. Think about them like the bacteria in yogurt: just as those bacteria help to improve your gut health, 这些细菌有助于改善排水管的健康.

在下水道维修器中使用的这些非致病菌中, 主要有两种:芽孢杆菌和假单胞菌.


芽孢杆菌是 spore-based, 也就是说细菌 处于孢子状态,直到被食物源激活. 孢子状态本质上是一种冬眠, where the bacteria are inactive and hidden in their spores until conditions are survivable for them. Once there’s an available food source, the bacteria “wake up” and become active.

芽孢杆菌的细菌 也能在极端条件下生存吗 because they can return to their spores even after activation if conditions become uninhabitable. 在孢子中, 它们还不能正常工作, 所以它们比假单胞菌能处理的多一点.

食物来源是触发芽孢杆菌细菌激活的原因. Activation starts two to three hours after they enter your drain and encounter a food source, but bacillus will be fully activated within 24 hours of you putting them down your drain.

此外, 芽孢杆菌是需氧细菌. 这意味着它们需要氧气才能生存. 为了让它们存活并正常运转, it’s important that they are in an environment that contains sufficient amounts of oxygen.

An example of an oxygen-rich drain type would be your average kitchen sink drain. 使用之间有足够的空间, 厨房的排水管可以让空气流通, 维持管道中的芽孢杆菌.

另一方面, 你不应该使用好氧细菌,如果你有一个强制主线, as this environment doesn’t actually have the oxygen needed in order for the bacteria to survive.


假单胞菌是活的、非孢子的细菌. This means that when you receive a product with pseudomonas bacteria in it, the bacteria are alive and active before you even put them down your drain. 这可能是件好事,因为 它们开始工作的速度比芽孢杆菌快, 但这也可能是件坏事,因为他们 对环境更敏感.

例如, bacteria might be transported in the back of a 110°F truck during delivery to your facility. 芽孢杆菌会藏在孢子里躲避高温吗, the pseudomonas bacteria will likely be killed before they even arrive at your facility.

It’s important to take more care when handling pseudomonas bacteria. You’ll need to be extra careful about providing them with a suitable environment to live in and ensuring that they are safely transported to minimize their risk of death. 但如果你的排水管有条件让它们存活, 假单胞菌更有效地消化细菌 脂肪、油和润滑脂 而不是芽孢杆菌 and have no activation period, making them an ideal choice in the right conditions.


If you’re investing in a product, your number one concern is probably whether it’s effective. This concern is probably amplified with a less familiar product like a biological drain maintainer.

细菌排水管维护器定期被放入你的排水管, 通常通过给水泵, 将细菌释放到排水管中. 从那里, 细菌以下水道里的雾化器和其他有机物为食 通过释放酶. The enzymes break down the food source into smaller bits and then the bacteria feed on those bits, 把它们消化成二氧化碳和水,这样它们就能 很容易流进下水道.

你也可以把它想象成吃牛排. The enzymes are the knife that breaks up the steak into smaller pieces so that you (or the bacteria) can easily eat and digest it. 这是一个永久性的变化, so you don’t need to worry about FOG reformation down the drain line like you would with 乳化排水维持剂.

此外,一旦发布, bacteria keep working as long as they have livable conditions and a food source. They will also continue reproducing and clearing more buildup as the colony grows. 在生物排水维护器中, 细菌每20分钟翻一番. 自然繁殖加上一贯的产品使用, there will be billions of bacteria clearing the FOGs from your pipes.

Do Bacterial Drain Maintainers Work as Well as Other Drain Maintainers?

现在你知道细菌下水道维护器是如何工作的了, but you may still be wondering if they work as well as other drain maintainers you may have used, 比如乳化剂.

There is no difference in chemical effectiveness between biologicals and emulsifiers. 这两种方法都能取得成功. 然而, there is a difference in which product might be the most effective for your facility.

如果你想要一个能尽快工作的排水维护器, 乳化剂更适合你. Where biologicals require a 24-hour activation period before they fully begin working, emulsifiers will instantly start melting down the buildup in your drain and keeping the line clear.

然而, if you want a drain maintainer that gets to the root of the problem and keeps working over a longer period of time, 生物制剂是给你的. 一旦他们开始了, 生物制剂中的细菌每20分钟翻一番, 只要它们有食物来源, 它们一直在维持你的排水管并繁殖. 它们更多的是一种时间投资, 但他们从源头上解决了问题, 而乳化剂, 而有效的, 把垃圾移到下水道里再固化.

注意这一点也很重要 乳化剂和生物制剂并不一定相互排斥. There are drain maintainers on the market that are both emulsifiers and biologicals. Be sure to read all product information when purchasing; just because you’re buying one option doesn’t mean you aren’t also buying the other.


就像任何产品一样, 当你处理一个生物排水维护器时, 你需要确保你正确地使用它. 请务必阅读标签说明以正确使用, 但是对于细菌, 您还需要考虑在哪里使用它.

当你把这个产品倒进下水道时, 人们很容易假设它会完成它的工作,然后忘记它, 但是细菌是活的. If they are put into an uninhabitable location, they’ll die, your drain buildup will continue.

细菌宜居的环境是有食物来源的地方, 温度至少为40°F,不超过120°F, pH值为6-9. Drains that do not fit these criteria are not suitable for bacterial products.

例如, a standard kitchen drain will usually be suitable for these products if kept at usual temperatures and used as directed. 与此同时, you won’t want to use bacteria in a drain that receives drainage from a high-temperature dish machine. 温度和pH值不断波动, 细菌会死亡, 你的雾会持续积累.

此外, it’s important not to use bacteria in drains that use disinfectants or sanitizers. 为什么? Disinfectants and sanitizers may be intended to kill harmful bacteria, 但它们也能轻而易举地杀死下水道里的“好”细菌. 如果你打算在三室水槽中使用排水维护器, 例如, 你会想买一种非细菌的选择,比如乳化剂.


You’re worried about choosing the right drain maintainer for your facility, 但现在, you know how bacterial drain maintainers work and understand whether they’ll work well for your drain. 从这里开始,你的下一步就是 考虑生物排水维护器的利弊.