Concerns with Eco-Friendly Drain 清洁工 (and Solutions)

Concerns with Eco-Friendly Drain 清洁工 (and Solutions)
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Concerns with Eco-Friendly Drain 清洁工 (and Solutions)

你需要维护下水道,你的设施也在努力变得更加环保. Naturally, you start researching eco-friendly drain cleaners. 在这个过程中,首先跳出来的感觉可能是担忧. 有大量的广告、文章和DIY技巧,但哪一个是正确的选择? What do you need to look out for? How do you even know which product will work for your drains? This is new for you, 你会不由自主地觉得自己错过了什么,甚至觉得自己犯了一个错误. You’re exploring your options as thoroughly as possible, but it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the details.

在国家化学公司,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站销售各种各样的排水维护器,包括 Ecolution Drain Line Maintainer, 经 UL Ecologo as an environmentally friendly option. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道,为您找到最好的选择可能是一个繁琐的过程, it’s not just about buying a product and being done with it; it’s about gathering the critical information needed to find the right fit.


  • Eco-friendly drain cleaners are more expensive
  • 环保型下水道清洁器需要花费太多的时间来工作
  • 环保的下水道清洁剂不如标准的下水道清洁剂有效
  • There is a limited selection of eco-friendly drain cleaners

是的, new expenses are a scary prospect, but after you review our answers, 你将有充分的准备来确定环保的下水道清洁器是否适合你.


Concern: Eco-Friendly Drain 清洁工 are More Expensive

这是真的 环保型排水管清洁剂的价格可能比其他排水管清洁剂的价格更高. Even standard drain cleaners are considered costly. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to get around this. If environmental friendliness is your priority, you’ll need to leave room for these expenses in your budget. 一个事实, 然而, 环保的下水道清洁剂是否仍然比活性下水道维修便宜.

Solution: Compare to the Cost of Reactive Maintenance

When investing in drain cleaners, it is important to realize that 你有两种选择:在下水道堵塞之前进行处理,或者在堵塞后进行反应性处理. If you let your drains fill with fats, oils, and greases (FOGs) and other organics, reactive maintenance will likely be more costly 而不是预防性的维护,这将完全阻止堵塞的发生.

与标准排水管清洁器相比,环保型排水管清洁器的额外费用, you just have to decide for yourself if it’s worth it. Minimizing your impact on the environment is important, but 有时候,你的钱包负担不起,那也没关系. Price is a concern that isn’t so easily resolved; to most efficiently treat your drains, 选择最适合你的具体问题和预算的选项.


Because eco-friendly drain cleaners work more slowly, it can be a problem if your issue is time sensitive. 如果你正在投资解决你的问题,你希望这个解决方案越快越好. Waiting for results isn’t exactly ideal.


Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem. At the same time as using an eco-friendly drain maintainer, you can also use aeration or a biological catalyst like Bio-Mate to speed up the bacterial process in lift stations.

Specifically made for bacterial products, biological catalysts increase the reproduction rate of bacteria这意味着会有更多的细菌通过下水道里的雾气来吃.

On the other hand, aeration increases the amount of oxygen in your lift station, making better living conditions for the bacteria and therefore increasing their reproduction rate.

这些解决方案 can only be used in lift stations, 但在环保产品见效最慢的地方,它们是有效的选择.


这是真的:环保的下水道清洁剂往往不如标准的下水道清洁剂有效. Because of their ingredients, eco-friendly drain cleaners simply work more slowly, 当你处于一个更严重的问题中时,他们就不那么受欢迎了.

Solution: Try to Control Your Level of FOG Drainage

然而, 这只会影响到你,如果你的排水管正在经历极端的雾积聚. 在大多数标准排水管中,环保的排水管清洁器应该可以有效地工作. 但是,如果您的排水管看到过多的fog,情况就不是这样了.

Eco-friendly drain cleaners are bacteria-based, meaning that when you use them, bacteria are released down the drain to eat FOG buildup, digesting it into water and air. If your drains have an excessive FOG presence, 细菌根本跟不上——它们也不能在已经存在的堆积中造成很大的凹痕.

与此同时, a more heavy-duty drain cleaner, such as an emulsifier, could literally melt the clog down the drain. 雾气更难抵抗更强烈的化学物质,而且 if you have significant FOG buildup or drainage, 你的选择是要么减少流失,要么投资于更强的产品.

To control your level of FOG drainage, educate your staff on what can and cannot go down a drain, model proper disposal of FOGs, and provide easy access to grease disposal containers. 如果这仍然不能减少积聚,最好使用标准的下水道清洁剂.


When searching for eco-friendly drain cleaners, you might hit a roadblock: there aren’t a whole lot of options. Standard drain cleaners come in many varieties, but with eco-friendly products, 您看到的是一个较小的可用性池—特别是取决于您的特定问题.

Solution: Use Them for Your Standard Drains

Eco-friendly drain cleaners tend to be best used in standard drains. 专门的产品有不同的化学成分来解决不同的问题,所以 没有那么多专业的下水道清洁剂是完全环保的.

这里的解决方案是简单地使用环保的排水管清洁剂来清洁标准排水管. Namely, they will be effective for the buildup of FOGs and organics in floor drains, three-sink drain lines, 集油器, and lift stations.


为什么? 嗯,因为 eco-friendly drain cleaners are bacteria-based, the bacteria need a food source in order to survive. This is how they successfully clean drains at all. 例如,在厨房的水槽里,细菌会吃掉烹饪过程中凝结的油脂. 油脂使它们存活并繁殖,在消耗这些油脂的过程中, 细菌会消化水槽里的堆积物,防止下水道堵塞.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, in areas without this food source for the bacteria, eco-friendly drain cleaners just won’t work. +, 更专业的产品可能会在特定情况下更有效,因为它们的设计初衷就是如此. If you’re looking into eco-friendly drain cleaners, 但你就是找不到对你的具体问题足够有效的选择, it’s better to find a specialized product for optimal results.

For the most effective results with more specialized issues, 寻找适合你的排水管类型或关注的排水管清洁器. 环保的排水管清洁器适合标准的排水管, 但如果你只是需要一个更重或更专业的产品, go for the heavier or more specialized product. 环保很重要,但如果它对你的问题不起作用,那就不管用了.


你来这里是因为你想为你的设施购买环保的下水道清洗机和维修设备. 现在, 你了解你所关心的潜在解决方案,以及环保是否适合你. From here, your next step is to consider which drain cleaning company you’d like to buy from.