


签署任何协议都可能是一件可怕的事情. In signing any contract– from a Netflix subscription to your mortgage – you are often filled with questions of what could go wrong. Today, many industries ask you to sign a subscription for services; the drain maintenance industry is no exception.

Drain maintenance companies offer 排泄护理 “program agreements” - a contract in which a company regularly provides drain maintenance chemicals in exchange for scheduled payments.

本文将解释 潜在客户对这些合同的担忧. It will help you understand whether signing a drain maintenance program agreement is right for you and help elevate your fears by explaining solutions to the problems inherent in those agreements.

Here at State Chemical, we provide drain maintenance program agreements. This article is written based on the questions and concerns that our customers have expressed when considering whether to join our drain maintenance program.

A 下水道维修 Program Agreement Provides Regular Delivery of Chemicals

排水管维修计划协议是一份合同. 在本合同中, you agree to pay your maintenance provider monthly in exchange for drain maintenance chemicals.

Your drain maintenance agreement contract will include two main items: (1) equipment that dispenses chemicals into your drain and (2) the chemicals. The equipment will be provided to you shortly after the contract is signed and then the chemicals are shipped at regularly scheduled intervals. 大多数客户每月收到产品.

所提供的设备慢慢地将化学品分配到您的排水管中. Then, as the bucket of chemicals is used up, the provider will send you a new bucket.

The alternative to signing a 排泄护理 program agreement is to buy equipment and chemicals individually. 而不是自动接收化学品, 每次你需要更多的化学药品时,你将签署一份新的采购订单.



The number one concern we hear from clients is that signing a program agreement is 太贵了. 签署项目协议需要你每月支付一定的金额. 虽然这无疑是一笔前期成本,但澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的客户发现 它通常比反应性排水护理便宜.

反应性排水管护理是必须在排水管堵塞后进行处理. This cost can include the cost of drain openers (chemicals that clear clogs), 必须抽出隔油池的费用, 或者最坏的情况, 溢出的代价.

例如, a senior community in Chicago that did not have a program agreement had a pizza-making night. 那天晚上,有人把披萨面团扔进了下水道. The pizza dough solidified in their drain and backed up their drainage system. 光是紧急水管工的费用就有3 000美元. After this, the community decided to add a 排泄护理 program agreement. For them, the agreement was cheaper than the potential of another overflow.

把项目协议看作是保险. While, like insurance, it is a high upfront cost, it will prevent higher costs in the future.

决定一个项目协议是否适合你, compare the yearly cost of how much you have paid and could pay in reactive 排泄护理 with the annual cost of a preventative 排泄护理 program agreement.



签订合同时, most of us are worried that we will be locked in and unable to cancel the agreement. 这种担忧在排水管护理中没有什么不同. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的许多客户都担心取消订单. 这在维修行业是一个合理的问题,因为 不同的供应商有不同的取消条款.

为了克服这种恐惧, you should discuss cancellation with your potential 排泄护理 maintenance provider. Ask the provider you are considering working with questions such as: “How do I cancel this contract?” and “How much notice do you need before my cancellation is effective?”

Concern: I Won’t be Able to Make Necessary Adjustments to the Chemical Dosage or Type

Solution: Ask the Company’s Representative How to Make Adjustments to the Contract

Another concern we hear from our clients is that they are worried they won’t be able to change the contract. 例如, many clients are concerned that they will be unable to increase or decrease the amount of chemicals they put into their drain every month or change the type of chemical they use.

和消去项一样,解决方法是 与潜在的排水护理维护供应商进行对话 签订合同前. Ask questions such as: “What happens if we need to change the amount of chemicals we are using?以及“如果澳门威尼斯人赌城网站需要改变使用的化学物质会发生什么??”

客户出于各种原因希望进行这些更改, such as to speed up the time it takes to see full results and to add additional drains to their program agreement.



The final concern we constantly hear from our potential clients is that they are concerned about how much time and energy they will have to spend on their drain maintenance.

Some companies in the 排泄护理 space include service in their contracts. These companies will fix and replace broken equipment and change the bucket of chemicals every month. 然而,其他公司不提供这项服务. Some companies ship you the bucket of chemicals each month, but require you to change out the bucket.

If you are concerned that 排泄护理 will take too much time and energy, we recommend hiring a company that includes service in their 排泄护理 program agreements.

至少,问问是否包括服务费. You would rather be informed whether service is included than have to unknowingly add “maintain equipment and drain chemicals” to your to-do list.

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Before Signing a Drain Care Program Agreement, Compare Costs and Ask Questions

在签署排水管护理项目协议之前, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的客户关心的是价格, 灵活性, 和服务. You can alleviate these concerns by comparing the price of a proactive 排泄护理 agreement with reactive 排泄护理 and asking the potential 排泄护理 provider the right questions.

有很多 利与弊 耗尽护理项目协议. 不管你是否决定接受项目协议, 如果你想主动处理你的排水管, 接下来,您需要确定您希望使用的产品. 例如,大多数人 使用生物制剂或浮动脱脂剂 处理排水管道末端的升降机站.